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What are the standards for course feedback?
What are the standards for course feedback?
Updated over a week ago

To keep things tidy, our team reserves the right to hide (with a notification to you) feedback/reviews that are offensive (and/or) harmful. We welcome all reviews with constructive criticisms and helpful descriptions of what a course is like.

If your reviews do any of the below, they may be hidden and you will receive an email letting you know:

  • Reviews cannot be just a single positive or negative remark. They need more substance.

  • Reviews with off-topic, irrelevant comments will be hidden.

  • Reviews that attack other reviewers will be hidden.

  • Reviews have to be your own original content, plagiarism is not allowed.

  • Self-promotional reviews are not allowed (if you are the author of a similar course you should not promote your own work within a review)

  • Reviews that are harassing or hateful are not allowed, and you will be removed from Chessable entirely.

  • Beta-testers who agree to help test the course, or anyone else who has not paid for the product, are not allowed to leave a review and this should be understood before signing up for a beta test - this is to combat conflict of interest/bias.

  • Spam reviews will be deleted.

  • We do not tolerate abuse of our rating system (e.g. multiple ratings).

While we aim to leave anything that does not violate the above rules up on the reviews page, here is an important disclaimer:

  • Chessable reserves the right to remove a review at any time for any reason. It is at our sole discretion and no one else's, that we decide when a review is against our guidelines.

  • The reviews posted on Chessable are individual and subjective opinions. The opinions expressed in reviews are those of Chessable members and not of Chessable, Ltd. or our parent companies. We do not endorse any of the opinions expressed by reviewers.

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