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MoveTrainer courses
MoveTrainer courses
31 articles
Can you study the courses offline?
My course badge is not being awarded! Why?
Where do I find course settings/options?
How does a course receive a star rating?
How do you recover an archived course? Help!! A course I bought/was learning is missing!
What does it mean for a course to have a certain amount of rubies?
How do I easily go from MoveTrainer® to an analysis board with a chess engine?
When I purchase a course, will I receive a physical copy?
How do I add my own notes/private comments to a course?
Will I be able to download the course I bought?
How can I publish a course?
How do I search for a specific course?
What is support level?
Can I restart from the beginning?
How do I make sub-variations in my private course clickable/browsable?
What are the rating ranges of your recommendation levels?
Is it possible to share my MoveTrainer® course privately?
What is the 'Learn' setting? What are Priority Lines?
How do I leave a comment on a course's variation/puzzle/position?
How do I pause an entire chapter?
How do I permanently delete a private course?
What happens to my Chessable courses if the company ever ceases to exist?
How do you calculate the existing number of students in a course?
Do the courses adapted from print books have ALL of the content from the print books?
How do I post a review?
What do the colored arrows and circles mean in MoveTrainer®?
Where do I find the chapter options? And what do they mean?
What does the Avg. Line Depth under Course Stats mean?
I constantly have too many moves to review. Can I adjust this?
Can I exchange or swap courses I've bought for another courses?
I want to find a position in a course!